
Monday 20 March 2023

12 Factor App

In today's fast-paced world of software development, building and deploying applications can be a challenging task. The 12 Factor App methodology is a set of principles that have been developed to help developers build scalable, maintainable, and reliable applications. In this post, we'll explore what a 12 Factor App is, why it's important, and how it can benefit your development process.

What is a 12 Factor App?

A 12 Factor App is a methodology for building and deploying web applications. It was first introduced by Adam Wiggins in 2011 and has since gained widespread adoption in the software development community. The 12 factors are a set of best practices that are designed to help developers create applications that are scalable, maintainable, and portable.

The 12 Factors Explained

1-Codebase: One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys

The Codebase factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that there be only one codebase for your application, which is tracked in revision control. This codebase should be the source of truth for your application, and any changes made to the code should be tracked in the revision control system.

The benefit of having a single codebase is that it ensures that all environments, from development to production, are using the same code. This reduces the risk of bugs and other issues that can occur when there are differences between environments.

Here's an example of how the Codebase factor can be implemented using Git:

  1. Create a Git repository for your application.
  2. Commit your code to the repository.
  3. Create branches for different environments, such as development, staging, and production.
  4. Use continuous integration and continuous deployment tools to automatically deploy changes to each environment when code is pushed to the appropriate branch.

2-Dependencies: Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies

The Dependencies factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that your application's dependencies be explicitly declared and isolated from the rest of the system. This means that all dependencies, including third-party libraries and system dependencies, should be listed and declared in a manifest file, such as a package.json or requirements.txt file. By doing so, it becomes easier to manage and update dependencies as needed

3-Config: Store configuration in the environment

The Config factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that configuration be stored in the environment, rather than in code or in configuration files. This means that configuration values such as database credentials, API keys, and environment-specific settings should be stored as environment variables.

4-Backing Services: Treat backing services as attached resources

The Backing Services factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that backing services, such as databases, message queues, and cache systems, be treated as attached resources. This means that they should be treated as external resources that your application uses, rather than being tightly coupled to your application's code.

5-Build, Release, Run: Strictly separate build and run stages

The Build, Release, Run factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that the build, release, and run stages of your application be strictly separated. This means that each stage should have a distinct and well-defined purpose, and that code changes should be made only in the build stage.

Here's an example of how the Build, Release, Run factor can be implemented using a Node.js application:

  1. Build your application in a separate environment, such as a continuous integration (CI) server or a build pipeline. This environment should have all of the necessary dependencies and build tools installed.
  2. During the build stage, compile your code, run tests, and package your application into a deployable artifact, such as a Docker container or a ZIP archive.
  3. Release your application by deploying the artifact to a release environment, such as a staging server or a production server. This environment should have a minimal configuration and only the necessary runtime dependencies installed.
  4. Run your application in the release environment. This includes starting any required services, such as databases or message queues, and running the application itself.

6-Processes: Execute the app as one or more stateless processes

The Processes factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that your application be executed as one or more stateless processes. This means that your application should not rely on the state of the underlying infrastructure or other processes.

7-Port Binding: Export services via port binding

The Port Binding factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that your application export its services via port binding. This means that your application should listen on a port specified by the environment, rather than hardcoding a specific port number.

8-Concurrency: Applications should be designed to be scalable.

The Concurrency factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that your application scale out via the process model. This means that your application should be able to handle increased traffic by adding more processes, rather than relying on increasing the resources of a single process.

9-Disposability: Applications should be able to start up quickly and shut down gracefully.

The Disposability factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that your application maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown. This means that your application should be able to quickly start up and shut down, allowing for rapid scaling and deployment.

10-Dev/prod parity: The development, staging, and production environments should be as similar as possible.

The Dev/Prod Parity factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that your development, staging, and production environments be kept as similar as possible. This means that any differences between these environments should be minimized, in order to reduce the risk of bugs and issues arising in production.

11-Logs: Applications should log to standard output and treat logs as event streams.

The Logs factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that your application treat logs as event streams. This means that your application should write its logs to a stream, rather than writing them to a file or database.

12-Admin processes: Admin tasks should be run as one-off processes.

The Admin Processes factor of the 12 Factor App methodology requires that your application run admin/management tasks as one-off processes. This means that administrative tasks, such as database migrations or backups, should be run as separate processes, rather than being part of the main application code.

Why is 12 Factor Important?

Adopting the 12 Factor methodology has several benefits for software development teams. It promotes best practices for building scalable, maintainable, and portable applications. By following these principles, developers can build applications that are easier to deploy, manage, and scale. Additionally, the 12 Factor App methodology helps to reduce the risk of downtime and data loss.

How to Implement the 12 Factor App Methodology

Implementing the 12 Factor App methodology can be a complex process, but it's well worth the effort. To get started, it's important to thoroughly understand the 12 factors and how they apply to your application. It's also important to have the right tools in place to support your development process. This includes tools for version control, continuous integration, and deployment automation.


In conclusion, the 12 Factor App methodology is a set of best practices that are designed to help developers build scalable, maintainable, and portable applications. By adopting these principles, developers can reduce the risk of downtime and data loss, and build applications that are easier to deploy, manage, and scale. If you're serious about software development, then you should definitely consider implementing the 12 Factor App methodology in your development process.

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